Changes to registered information
- QI cannot change my email address because the message "It is already in use" appears.
- A
1) If you see the message "Already in use"
As stated in the message, a Plus member ID has already been obtained for the address you wish to register.
Since your Plus member ID is issued linked to your email address, you cannot change it unless you delete the ID.
If the ID you obtained is not linked to any paid services or winning ticket information, you can delete it yourself.
Please refer to the help page below.
»Q.I have obtained multiple Plus member IDs (formerly EMTG IDs).
»Q.How do I delete my Plus member ID (formerly known as EMTG ID)?
2) For other errors
Please contact us with the following information: [Operation procedure, input content, and displayed error message]
Other questions about "Changing registration information"
If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.